QGate driving the way in Business Intelligence for travel industry

This article focuses on Business Intelligence for the travel industry.

This article focuses on Business Intelligence for the travel industry, however, the challenge of managing increasing volumes of data impacts our day to day working lives, regardless of the industry we work in. Gone are the days when ‘big data’ was seen as a problem for IT companies. Today, Business Intelligence can offer a solution for business users in any industry sector where data is being collected and stored in various internal and external systems. Here we talk through some of the ways that Business Intelligence has helped some of our bus and coach operator customers.

The Data Challenge

Business Intelligence for travel industry
With the vast amount of people using buses and coaches in Great Britain comes an even larger amount of data. Collected on a daily basis and from a variety of sources makes it difficult and time-consuming to access and analyse this data.

In addition to online booking information, customer feedback and sales target information there is also the vast amount of telematic information collected on each vehicle. Ranging from fuel consumption, passenger counting and driver and vehicle performance, all of this information have the potential for bus and coach operators to monitor and enhance safety, efficiency and environmental performance. However, without the tools to aggregate this data from a variety of systems makes it difficult to get a true insight into the business.

The Qlik Solution

At QGate, we’ve had the opportunity to extend our knowledge of data analytics to bus and coach operators with the opportunity to deploy business intelligence throughout their business.  Here are just some examples of the reporting and dashboarding capabilities available:

operational analysis

Sales analysis

Vehicle performance

Business Intelligence for Coach Companies Success

The intuitive and easy-to-use nature of the QlikView solution puts reporting and analysis capabilities in the hands of the business user. In a market where customer satifsaction and operational efficiency is paramount, QlikView empowers business users with a level of insight that helps them to improve customers experience, operational efficiency and profitability.

Rowland Dexter BI quote

Please get in touch if you have any questions about Business Intelligence for travel industry or take a look at how Qlik Technology could empower your company to make user-driven decisions.

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