4 steps for a successful CRM deployment

Read this article about what you need to consider to deliver a successful CRM deployment and project.

You’ve been given a shiny new CRM system to deliver throughout your company…

CRM deployment – where do you start?

For some people, this is a dream come true, for others it’s a nightmare.

This blog article could have been called 100 steps for a successful CRM deployment but that wouldn’t have helped the more fear-stricken readers. So, we at QGate have put together 4 steps to help you get you going…

Successful CRM deployment starts with a planThe key is to PLAN

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an amazing product that can be developed in a variety of ways, this is both a gift and a curse. As the project progresses, demands from the business can affect how the system is developed and delivered, without a clear plan you can easily be blown off track.

Our Preparing for CRM series goes into more details on this topic.

Start with Why?

Before you put together your plan start with Why?  Why do you need a CRM system is it to improve a process or to bring customer information into one place? Be as specific as possible, identify:

  • What strategic aim this does project support – increase sales, improve customer service etc?
  • Who the exec sponsor is (if there isn’t one already)?
  • What processes will be affected?
  • What’s the impact on your data?
  • When does it need to be delivered by?
  • How will you know it’s been a success?
  • How will you engage users? – CRM is as much about people and processes than the system

Getting these items agreed upon early will help you formulate a plan.

QGate’s 4 steps for a successful CRM deployment

1.  Plan for the end in mind
What does the go-live day look like, who’ll be using the system, how will they use it? What support will they need, how will you manage any issues

2. Learn about the process and Dynamics 365
Understand the business process(es) you’ll be adapting/delivering, who does it affect? Will you need to work with multiple teams? How does this impact on go live (should it be done in phases or all at once)? Understanding Dynamics 365 will help you explain the system to users and translate their requests successfully to your CRM supplier

3. Adapt
Version 1 of the plan will not be perfect, listen to others and adapt it accordingly but keep the deadline and ‘Why’ at the front of mind at all times

4. Notify colleagues across the business
A clear communications plan is a key part of the delivery, identify what information you will provide, when and to whom. For example, the exec team may want to know the key milestones and when you expect to hit them. A day to day user will want to know how Dynamics 365 is going to affect their current daily tasks. Timing is also key. People need to know what’s going on but don’t want to be bombarded with information. Use the correct method of communication – show and tell, team meetings, the intranet can all be used to spread the word.

Contact our friendly team at QGate if you’re still feeling a bit daunted. We’ve got 21+ years of experience working with customers across all sectors and have a CRM Readiness Assessment tool that can help you…

We ask a series of multiple-choice questions which will provide a benchmark on where you are in terms of your readiness to commence a CRM implementation.

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