CEGA Air Ambulance Uses CRM to Save Lives

CEGA uses CRM to save lives

CEGA is one of a few UK services that transport critically ill patients back from abroad, a process that involves a lot of time-consuming paperwork in a time-sensitive situation.

When Jackie Gillard, services manager at CEGA, began looking for a process to replace their legacy CRM system, “I did a bit of a search online to who was doing any type of software system. We came across a couple of companies, one of them was QGate.  They came and met us, we sat around a table, we put all the pieces of paper in front of them and told them we need to find a way of getting all these pieces of paper to talk to each other. And they just looked at us and said that they have a tool for that.” That tool was Microsoft Dynamics 365.

By using Microsoft Dynamics CRM software, CEGA has reduced their previously two-hour long quote process to just 20 minutes.

Jackie said that Microsoft’s CRM platform is simple and easy to work with, and the implementation process, with QGate in the middle, was easy.

“They didn’t know anything about aviation and we didn’t know anything about software systems. It was a combination of us trying to teach them what we needed and them coming up with the solution. It was a great partnership.”

If you’d like to find out how we can help your company succeed with CRM, please contact us

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