CEGA Air Ambulance Uses Dynamics CRM to Save Lives

Streamline processes

What did CEGA need from CRM?

CEGA is an international medical assistance business that provides risk management for Travel Insurers and Large Corporations who have customers and employees travelling abroad. If one of these people were to be injured or ill whilst abroad, CEGA have their own air ambulance fleet of aircraft to treat and bring them home.

Their processes to manage this time critical process include obtaining the relevant air traffic clearances, arranging for an ambulance to meet the plane when it lands and liaising with hospitals and customs.  This could mean typing and retyping critical information, sometimes in triplicate, into a number of different sources where there was no margin for error.

To help streamline this process, CEGA came to us to help them implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

How did CRM transform CEGA’s operations?

Thanks to Dynamics CRM, CEGA staff now have all the information they need in one file.

“We have all the information from beginning to end, everything is on one file so we have the whole complete story, it is just so much simpler now,” says Jackie Gillard, Services Manager at CEGA,  “it’s great for the company to have an operations system that is efficient. It saves lives and it saves time.”

QGate was happy to be part of implementing this important system, and we are glad that CEGA found such value in the application.  Jackie Gillard said, “It was only QGate that could see the vision, it was only them that could understand what we were after.”

Alistair Hardie, Chief Executive at CEGA concluded with this:

“The senior management team do genuinely lie awake at night if we are not comfortable that the aircraft is going to get to the patient at the right time. having Dynamics CRM in place means that we can relax and literally sleep well at night knowing that the patient will be supported in the right way.”

To find out how we can help you with your CRM, contact us! 

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