Are you ready for changes to Dynamics 365 Storage Pricing?

QGate’s Storage Review Service can help businesses to effectively manage their storage within the new Microsoft Dataverse pricing model.

Recent Microsoft announcements have brought changes to how storage consumption is calculated for the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Dataverse (formerly Common Data Service).

This change to Dynamics 365 storage may have a significant impact on how much businesses are paying.

Dynamics 365

Previously, an organisation’s Dynamics 365 storage allocation could be used across all database records, attachments, and log files. The new pricing model is based on 3 different types of storage: database, file, and log, each with different pricing. Depending on the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform licences purchased, this would then provide varying allocations of available storage for each measure.

If businesses have not already transitioned to the new model, they will see these changes occur at their next annual licence renewal (before the end of 2021) whereby the previous storage will not be available for any storage amendment required.

Dynamics 365 Storage Review

To help Dynamics 365 customers minimise any increases in storage costs, QGate are offering a Storage Review where we will analyse your existing storage consumption and make recommendations to minimise future storage costs.

To start your Dynamics 365 Storage Review please click here and complete our form and we’ll email to let you know how much you could be charged under Microsoft’s new storage model

Full details of changes to Dynamics 365 storage can be found the Microsoft website

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