Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave was announced earlier this month, with exciting news regarding trans-formative service, community engagement and intelligence.

What’s new in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Spring Wave

The short video below gives you a quick overview of the main capabilities of this release. Take a look and see how the new features can help you:

  • Schedule, manage and deliver on-site service to gain efficiencies
  • Boost your community engagement with Portal solutions
  • Obtain guided user navigation that provides application users with guided tasks and support

Watch the helpful YouTube video on the capabilities of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 spring wave.

As Jujhar Singh, GM of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, says in the original announcement, “Advances in the cloud and intelligence are making possible new capabilities and scenarios that not only help companies adapt their customer engagement to the digital era but also use that engagement to secure and expand their business.”

His post will give you more detailed information on this release. To read the full article please click here.

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