End of Support for Internet Explorer 11 across Microsoft 365 Apps and Services

After 17 August 2021, Microsoft Office 365 Apps and Teams will no longer be fully supported in the legacy browsers, Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) and the old Microsoft Edge.

We would like to remind our customers that after the 17th August 2021, Microsoft Office 365 Apps and Teams will no longer be fully supported in the legacy browsers, Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) and the old Microsoft Edge.

IE 11 was launched in 2013 when the online environment was much less sophisticated than the landscape today. Today, the web is ruled by open web standards that IE historically did not conform to. According to Microsoft, the new Google Chromium-based Edge offers “better, more innovative online experiences”.

From the 17th August, customers who still use the old Edge or IE 11 can expect a “degraded experience”, or may even not be able to connect to Microsoft 365 apps on IE 11 anymore. For degraded experiences, new Microsoft 365 features (including updates to Dynamics 365) might not be available or certain features may cease to work when accessing the app or service via IE 11.

Click here for further information from Microsoft.

If you have any questions, please contact QGate Technical Support who will be happy to help.
Telephone 01329 222 802
Email support@qgate.co.uk

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