Microsoft Ignite 2016 – Atlanta

This article covers details of the Microsoft Ignite Atlanta event held in September 2016.
Event: Microsoft Ignite 2016

Microsoft Ignite is the conference for IT decision makers who want to know what’s next in technology and how that will help them transform their business

Date: Monday 26 September – Friday 30 September 2016
Location: Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
United States
Enrolment : Sold out
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Microsoft Ignite, a hands-on experience

This year’s Microsoft Ignite will take place in September, in Atlanta. With the objective of helping senior IT professionals drive business transformation, this conference provides insight, learning, and plenty of networking opportunities.

With more than 1,000 sessions to choose from, the event’s portal makes it easy for you to select the most relevant ones, allowing you to filter by profile, product, session types, among other criteria.

Get certified at half price

Microsoft Ignite presents a good opportunity to get those certifications you or your team have been postponing for a while. At the Certification Central, you can find and choose preparation sessions to take the exams.

During the conference week, all Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams will be offered at a 50% discount exclusively for Microsoft Ignite attendees, and all practice tests will be free to attendees who activate them in the study hall.

Meet QGate 

QGate will be attending, represented by Mark Cooper and Paul Nicholas. We hope to see you in Atlanta!

To learn more about Microsoft Ignite 2016, please visit the conference’s website.

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