CRM Search Addon, Paribus Interactive, Adapted for Unified Interface

The new release of CRM search add-on, Paribus Interactive, improves searching of Dynamics 365 Unified Interface and empowers users to find and engage data.

Empowering Dynamics 365 Users to Engage with their Data

CRM search add-on Paribus Interactive
Performing a general search using Paribus Interactive V4

Our CRM search add-on, Paribus Interactive, has been updated to reflect Unified Interface changes in Dynamics 365.

More and more people are adopting Microsoft Dynamics 365’s new Unified Interface, delivered with the 9.0 updates. This interface is set to eventually replace all legacy interface clients with responsive and uniform apps. The Unified Interface has cut down on any unnecessary entities for specific user roles. This is to ensure that users’ Dynamics 365 workspaces are more visually appealing, relevant, and easy to navigate.

Dynamics 365 search capabilities have not changed with the introduction of the Unified Interface, with patchy results leading to users not finding the data they are looking for.

Fortunately, our CRM search add-on Paribus Interactive has been adapted to seamlessly integrate with the Unified Interface and deliver the search capabilities needed to effectively engage with data.

The new interface offered an opportunity to embed Paribus Interactive deeper into user journeys, fostering a culture of improving data quality.

Data quality struggles when users cannot find the data that they are looking for. With Paribus Interactive in your CRM, duplicate records can no longer be created during the data entry process, cleaning up your data over time.

Read further about CRM search add-on Paribus Interactive, Version 4, in the Press Release.


If you have any more questions about Paribus or anything else regarding CRM, contact us

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