If you’re attending CRMUG Summit, these sessions are for you

Here at QGate, we are finishing up our preparations for CRMUG Summit being held from October 14-17 in St Louis.  We will be presenting several sessions at this event as well as participating in a panel discussion on duplicate data.  If you are planning on attending this event, you may find the following sessions to be of interest.

Duplicate data: You know you have it, but how much?  Find out here!

Date and Time: Wednesday October 15, 3.00-4.00 pm
Presenter: Ryan Pennett Regional Sales Manager, QGate Software

We all know duplicate data in CRM is a bad thing, but how bad is bad?
This session is part education, part training.  Using QGate’s Paribus Discovery we will show you how to IDENTIFY the level of the duplication in your CRM as well as how you can RESOLVE the problem.

We offer benchmarks so you can compare your results with others.

A trial copy of Paribus Discovery will be available for each attendee, if you have your laptop with you follow the steps to install and be ready to run when you get back to the office.

The Executive’s Role in a Successful CRM Implementation

Date and Time: Thursday October 16, 4.45-5.45pm,
Presenter: Rowland Dexter, Managing Director, QGate Software

For nearly two decades we have been implementing CRM systems and over that time we have defined the top five Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for a successful CRM implementation.  Number 1 is Executive Sponsorship.  This session covers what this means and why it is so important.  As an executive, you may also be interested in the other four CSFs.

Data Management and Quality Panel Discussion

Date and Time: Friday October 17, 1.00-2.00pm
Panel Presenters: Rhoda Bernstein (Director Strategic Alliances, Dun & Bradstreet), Rowland Dexter (Managing Director, QGate Software), Scott Guthrie (Winona State University) and Steven Shissler (Director of Alliances Sales Engineering, Trillium Software)

This user adoption panel will be geared to more of the system administrators and I.T. professionals in-house, but it focuses around the best practices and standards to leverage for keeping your data clean, accurate, up to date, and what role data should have in your organization.  Join this user adoption ask the experts session and share in the discussion.

Love it or hate it – CRM is just better with better data

Date and Time: Friday October 17, 2.15-3.15pm
Presenter: Rowland Dexter, Managing Director, QGate Software

Data is the lifeblood of a CRM system; its health directly affects the health of the system.  Poor data can negatively affect many aspects of CRM including user adoption.  Let’s face this together and look at options to keep data healthy.

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