USA Event Follow Up

Read our feedback on the recent USA Microsoft conferences in this article.

For those of you who were able to attend eXtremeCRM 2014 in Las Vegas and CRMUG Summit in St Louis this year, we hope that you enjoyed the event.  We enjoyed meeting other partners, customers and end users within the Microsoft Dynamics CRM world.

We had an excellent turnout at our CRMUG Summit session on data de-duplication, Duplicate Data – You Know You Have it, but How Much?, demonstrating how our Paribus 365  product can help with identifying and resolving duplicates.  After the event, we worked with CRMUG to present a virtual session to user group members.

QGate Surface Winner

Mike Penrod, QGate Surface Winner from eXtreme CRM Las Vegas 2014

Our QGate Quiz was a great success at both events.  Congratulations are in order for eXtremeCRM winner Mike Penrod of Spartan Chemical Company, Inc. and CRMUG Summit winner Carol Bargabus of Loyola Marymount University.  We hope that you enjoy your new Microsoft Surfaces!

To keep up to date with our future event plans, industry news and product updates, be sure to subscribe to the QGate Blog using the link on the right hand side.

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