Dynamics 365 CRM Revival Workshop

Transform your Dynamics CRM with Expert Insight from just £1995

Book your Interactive Dynamics Workshop Today

Collaborate directly with our Dynamics 365 experts in a focused session.

We’ll take a deep dive into your current sales processes from lead to order, identifying workflows, bottlenecks, pain points, and interdependencies within your existing sales process.


Working with your team, we aim to get a complete 360 view of your processes, data integrity, and the role Dynamics 365 plays in your business. 


After our workshop, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing:

  • Business Plan: Outline your ROI to help sell it to your stakeholders.


  • Actionable ‘To-Be’ Sales Process: Including strategic automation and enhancements based on best practices from different industries, tailored to your business needs, to help sell it to your teams.


  • Feature Roadmap: Defining your journey from where you are today to a Dynamics 365 CRM that truly delivers value to your business, to help sell it to your project team.

All backed up by a money back guarantee, if you’re not 100% happy with the output, we will not charge you a penny.

Not sure if you would benefit from a workshop?

Take our Free CRM Health Assessment

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