Power BI URL Filtering

Power BI Basics article

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    Summary: How to article on Power BI URL filtering.
    Article Type: Information
    Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:   Power BI
    Related Articles: Power BI Basics: Getting Started Series
    Published on: January, 2019

    Power BI URL Filtering Requirement

    Include a link to a filtered Power BI report in an automated email from Flow. Pass a Dynamics 365 record id so that the link shows a report in Power BI for a single record without the user needing to manually filter to find it.

    Power BI URL Filtering Solution

    In order to filter a Power BI report programmatically the following conditions must be met:

    • The names of any tables or parameters cannot contain spaces. The URL filtering currently doesn’t appear to handle these.
    • The parameter that you want to filter doesn’t need to exist on the report. It will be added temporarily when the report is shown via the link.
    • You cannot have any default filter values set on the report.

    You can then simply construct a URL as
    shown below, passing your filter value.

    Replace any part of the URL shown in {}
    with the appropriate Id or Value

    https://app.powerbi.com/groups/{groupid}/reports/{reportid}/ReportSection{reportsectionid}?filter={datasetTableName}/{parameterName} eq ‘{filterValue}

    The filtered report
    would look like the below. In our example we have filtered on qg_timebankid
    using the following:

    ?filter=Timebank/qg_timebankid eq ‘8907b179-f409-e911-a964-000d3aba0f22’

    The added filter can be seen in the red box.

    Power BI URL Filtering Screen
    in GeneralPower BI
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