How to add new Entities

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Technical Article

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    Summary: This How to article takes you through the steps for How to add Entities to the List of New Records in the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
    Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:

    • Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
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    Dynamics 365 App for Outlook: How to add new Entities to the List of New Records

    This document will show you how to add new entities to the Dynamics 365 app for Outlook, and track emails against them.


    Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Administration > System Settings. In the System Settings menu, select the General tab and scroll down to Categorized Search, and click Select.

    how to add new entities - step 1

    Step 2:  Choose the entities you would like to add. Click Add, and click OK and OK again back in the System Settings Window

    hot to add new entities to the List of New Records Step 2

    Step 3:  You will now have to enable Activities for the entities, which will allow users to track their emails to the entity.

    Navigate to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System. Select the entity and scroll down to the Communications & Collaboration section. Then add a check next to Activities.  Then, under the Outlook & Mobile section, check Enable for Mobile and ensure that Read only in mobile is unchecked.  Then save and publish.

    How to add new Entities to the List of New Records Step 3

    Step 4:  Users will have to Log out, and clear their cache and then log back in. Users will then be able to track their emails against the new entities.

    As a precaution please make a copy of your cache file and save it in a separate location before deleting it. this is so that you can reverse the deletion and move the copy back to the original location, should you encounter any issues.

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