Calling a web service from Infor CRM LAN

Infor CRM Technical Article

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    Summary: How to call a web service from Infor CRM
    Article Type: Troubleshooting / Support
    Related Product: This article relates to the following products:

    • Infor CRM (formerly Saleslogix)
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    Recently, a member of our technical staff needed to call a web service from Infor CRM LAN.  While researching the best way to go about this, our staff member encountered others in forums trying to do the same thing.

    Below is a (modified for generalisation) vbscript code snippet that you can use to make calls to web services from within Infor CRM LAN. The handling of the response has not been shown in detail as this will vary depending on the web service being called.

    It is worth noting that Infor CRM Architect knowledge is required to carry out this task


    Sub CallWebService ()

    Dim postURL, strQueryString, httpResponse

    ‘Set the postURL to the URL of your web service that you want to call

    ‘For this example, I am calling a simple Math service method (Add) that will add up two numbers passed as query parameters

    postURL = “https://localhost:60369/MathService.asmx/Add”

    ‘Set the strQueryString to everything you would expect to see after the ? in the URL

    ‘These are your query parameters

    ‘In this example, the Add method I am calling accepts two integers (val1 and val2)

    strQueryString = “val1=150&val2=250”

    ‘Call the HTTPPost function (shown below) to make the request to the web service

    ‘The response text is being stored in the variable httpResponse

    httpResponse = HTTPPost(postURL, strQueryString)

    ‘You can use string manipulation (not shown) to retrieve specific values from the response (based on the response properties/parameters)

    ‘You can then build a dictionary object and store these values

    ‘Dim responseObj

    ‘Dim httpResponseValueX, httpResponseValueY

    ‘httpResponseValueX = “”

    ‘httpResponseValueY = “”

    ‘Set responseObj = CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)

    ‘responseObj.Add “responseValueX”, httpResponseValueX

    ‘responseObj.Add “responseValueY”, httpResponseValueY

    End Sub

    Function HTTPPost(sUrl, sRequest)

    Dim oHTTP

    set oHTTP = CreateObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”) “POST”, sUrl,false

    oHTTP.setRequestHeader “Content-Type”, “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

    oHTTP.setRequestHeader “Content-Length”, Len(sRequest)

    oHTTP.send sRequest

    HTTPPost = oHTTP.responseText

    End Function


    Related Information:
    in Infor CRMSupportTroubleshooting
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