How to publish a Dynamics 365 dashboard with Power BI

Power BI Basics article

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    Summary: This article takes you through the steps required to publish a dashboard into Dynamics 365 with a Power BI desktop report
    Article Type: Information / How To
    Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:

    • Power BI
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365
    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
    Related Articles:
    • None

    Power BI:  Publishing a Dashboard into Dynamics 365 starting with a Power BI Desktop Report

    The instructions below assume that as an organisation Power BI Pro is enabled and that the setup user and all the users with whom the dashboards are to be shared have had a Power BI Pro licence assigned.

    • Open Power BI Report using Power BI Desktop
    • On main ribbon click on “Publish”


    Power BI Publish

    • Select My workspace (unless you need the report published to a specific Workspace) > Select
    • A confirmation message should appear


    Power BI Publishing

    • Login to Power BI online
    • Navigate to the newly published Report and open

    It is possible to setup a Dashboard made up of a selection of objects from pages across the report or publish a single page of the report.  These instructions cover publishing a single page of the report.

    • Click on “Pin Live Page”


    Power BI Pin to Dashboard

    • Select the radio button alongside “New dashboard”
    • Provide a name for the new dashboard > Pin Live
    • Navigate to the new dashboard
    • Click on “Share”



    • In the “Grant access to” box type in the team or individuals’ names with whom the dashboard should be shared
    • Choose whether to keep the check boxes underneath ticked.
      “Allow recipients to share your dashboard”
      “Send email notification to recipients” Note: The dashboard is not yet available to them within Dynamics 365
    • Open Dynamics 365
    • Navigate to Dashboards
    • New > Power BI Dashboard


    Power BI new dashboard

    • Select the correct dashboard from drop down list


    Power BI Add Dashboard

    • If you want the dashboard enabled for mobile, check the box > Save
    • Depending on your browser an F5 to refresh the view may be necessary
    • Navigate to the newly added dashboard
    • Click on “SHARE DASHBOARD” menu item above the dashboard


    Power BI Share User dashboard


    • Click on “Add User/Team”
    • Select users with whom access is to be granted > Add


    Power BI Share User

    • Use check boxes to specify level of permissions to be granted > Share
    • Complete! The dashboard should appear in the dropdown list for those users selected in steps above.


    in How-toMicrosoft Dynamics 365Microsoft Dynamics CRMPower BI
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