Resolving Infor CRM (Saleslogix) Connection Errors

Infor CRM Technical Article

Article sections

    Summary: An article to describe how to resolve issues with the Infor CRM (Saleslogix) Connection Manager
    Article Type: Troubleshooting / Support / Issue Resolution
    Related Product(s): This article relates to the following products:

    • Saleslogix v7.5.3
    • Saleslogix v7.5.4
    • Infor CRM (Saleslogix) v8
    • SQL 2008
    • SQL 2008 R2
    • SQL 2012
    Related Articles: None


    When trying to connect Infor CRM (Saleslogix) to a SQL v.2008 (or above) database it does not save the password.

    Therefore the connections in Infor CRM (Saleslogix) Connection Manager is also not saved.


    Once a database is restored you need to create a connection.  To do this you need to:

    1) Open Infor CRM (Saleslogix) Connection Manager and click add. Ensure you name it appropriately to reference the connection

    2) Select the relevant Native client to use

    3) Complete the relevant details

    Fill in the relevant details in the Data Link Properties in the Saleslogix Connection Manager

    Fill in the relevant details in the Data Link Properties in the Saleslogix Connection Manager

    4) Test the connections, then exit the Connection Manager

    5) When trying to create a datalink on the client machine the database will not connect


    To resolve this issue:

    1) Go to the Connection Manager, and go into the connection you created as above.

    The ‘Blank password’ will be ticked and the password field will be blank.

    2) Remove the tick from the ‘Blank password’ box and enter the appropriate password.

    3) Go to the ‘All’ tab and ensure the Property Value for the ‘Persist Security Info’ is set to TRUE

    Check the Property Description - Persist Security Info - is set to TRUE in your Saleslogix Connection Manager

    Check the Property Description – Persist Security Info – is set to TRUE

    4) Reset the Property Value for the ‘Integrated Security’ then select OK

    Reset the Property Value in your Saleslogix Connection Manager

    Reset the Property Value

    5) Return to the ‘Connection’ tab and select ‘Test Connection.’ A ‘Test Connection Succeeded’ message should appear.

    6. Go to the client and re-try the DataLink to confirm this now connects correctly.

    Related Information:
    in Infor CRMSaleslogixSupportTroubleshooting
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